Real Estate Agents Authority
The Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) is the independent government regulatory body for the real estate industry in New Zealand.
The REAA provides information for buyers and sellers, provides advice and guidance for agents and deals with complaints about agents' behaviour. The REAA is a Crown entity, established under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008.
For more information about the REAA please click on this link.
Click here to view the Real Estate Agents Act 2008.
Professional Conduct and Client Care
imarket real estate is licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. As required by the Act, all imarket real estates agents, branch managers and salespersons must comply with the REAA (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 which are a requirement of Section 14 of the Real Estate Agents Act.
The REAA (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 is available from this web page.
The rules should be read in conjunction with the Act and regulations.
Consumer Guides
The REAA has developed two important guides to ensure buyers and sellers of residential property are provided with essential and accurate information about the buying and selling process:
Residential Property Agency Agreement Guide
Residential Property Sale and Purchase Agreement Guide
These guides, and more, are available from the REAA website and are printed in a number of languages: English, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Maori, Samoan and Tongan.
Salespeople must give sellers a copy of the Residential Property Agency Agreement Guide before the seller signs an agency agreement. The salesperson must also receive the sellers signed acknowledgement that they have received the guide.
Salespeople must also provide a copy of the Residential Property Sale and Purchase Agreement Guide to both buyers and sellers before they sign a sale and purchase agreement for a residential property. The salesperson must also receive their signed acknowledgement that they have received the guide.
We also recommend another useful buyers and sellers guide provided by the REAA - Get Smart Before Buying and Selling Property, which is also available from the REAA website.
Here is further information regarding the buying and selling process.
Complaints and Disputes Procedure
imarket real estate have written in-house procedures to deal with complaints, which can be viewed on this website.
Please be advised that you do not have to use our complaints and resolution procedure. You may make a complaint directly to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time. You can make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority even if you choose to also use our procedures.
If you choose to take your complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority the complaint can be made via the following:
Phone: 0800 for REAA (0800 367 7322)
Email: newcomplaints@reaa.govt.nz
Website: www.reaa.govt.nz - the required Complaint Form, to be filled in, is available from here.
Post: The Real Estate Agents Authority:
Level 2, 10 Brandon Street
PO Box 25371 Panama Street
Wellington 6146, New Zealand